New FINMA circular on LSFin rules of conduct

FINMA’s new circular on rules of conduct under the LSFin and OSFin was published on November 22, 2024 and comes into force on January 1, 2024. A transitional period of 6 months is provided for a number of provisions. Here is a summary of the new rules of conduct and organization: Global advice vs. isolated […]
More sustainable structured products in Switzerland

In mid-2023, the Swiss Structured Products Association (SSPA) published its guidelines on sustainability transparency. With this guideline, which comes against a backdrop of increasing regulation around sustainable finance, SSPA intends to set a minimum standard for structured products qualified as sustainable. This is a key initiative, designed to promote transparency and the integration of sustainability […]
Eco-money laundering: surveillance is getting organized.

On June 4, ESMA, the European Securities and Markets Authority, published its report on the supervision of money laundering risks. It should be remembered that, according to the European regulator, greenwashing can be intentional or unintentional, and can occur either at the level of the entity (for example, with regard to an entity’s strategy or […]
Switzerland loves cash

Lisa Desjardins answers questions from the newspaper La Liberté in connection with its article on cash.
Investment advice: a plural and complex concept

Investment consulting is a service that has evolved in tandem with finance, and has been around as long as the latter.
Interview in Point de mire

Interview with Lisa Desjardins and Christian Wolf, directors and partners of CLARITIS SA
Compliance: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Over the past 10 years, Swiss and international regulations have made the notion of Compliance a must in the financial marketplace. But what does the term really mean?
Interview in

Interview with Lisa Desjardins, co-founder of CLARITIS. Published Oct 28, 2021 on Lisa Desjardins, co-founder of CLARITIS No one is supposed to ignore the law. But the obligations imposed by Swiss financial regulations (LBA, LEFin, LSFin, LIMF, LPCC) and international regulations (UCITS, GDPR, MIFID II ) have become a headache for financial players, who […]
Professional clients under MIFID or LSFin.

LSFin, MIFID and professional customers.
LSFin and advisory: Getting your head above water

Review of the changes brought about by the Financial Services Act (LSFin) in the field of investment advice.