Interview in Point de mire

Interview with Lisa Desjardins and Christian Wolf, directors and partners of CLARITIS SA
Compliance: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Over the past 10 years, Swiss and international regulations have made the notion of Compliance a must in the financial marketplace. But what does the term really mean?
Professional clients under MIFID or LSFin.

LSFin, MIFID and professional customers.
LSFin and advisory: Getting your head above water

Review of the changes brought about by the Financial Services Act (LSFin) in the field of investment advice.
Do we need to worry about European laws?

MIFID II, EMIR, RGPD, SRD II… What to make of these European laws that influence Switzerland without really affecting it? European laws in Switzerland : The Swiss village One of the attractions of the Swiss financial center is its pragmatism. Financial legislation is tedious and complex, as it is everywhere. But they are nevertheless more […]
Mediation bodies: what to expect?

Since December 2020, most independent managers have been affiliated to mediation bodies. But what are the consequences for them? Mediation Bodies : A practice already well established in the banking world Mediation bodies are a new player in the independent asset manager landscape. However, this is nothing new for anyone: in fact, the Banking Ombudsman […]